Whoa — here’s a nice little trail. About 100 yards and a little incline with an elevation change of maybe 150 feet… I’m no mountaineer, so I’m just estimating, but it felt WAY steeper than that (!). A few jogs up and recovery walks back down and BAM — nice workout!
What? You say you’re not at the base of a hill? Next time you are, go ahead and walk up it a few times, and jog it at whatever speed you like when you feel ready and adventuresome.
In the meantime, challenge yourself to walk or run up and down your stairs at home, at work, in a store, wherever you may be. You can use the stairs when you happen to be going up or down and want to bypass the elevator or escalator, but remember, you can ALWAYS use them as a quick way to wedge in a workout and get off your chair, get your heart rate up, feel your legs and glutes getting stronger, and give your day a great boost.
Go find your personal mountain, and make it an excellent day!